10 February 2010


J often wakes up in the morning with a song in his head. And by "often" I mean "always." And naturally, he hums, sings or whistles said song. This a.m. was no exception, but this time I couldn't decipher his early-morning crooning. So I asked him what he was singing.

"The theme from Night Court."

Oh. Right. My response:

"I thought it was the theme from Zelda."

So I proceeded to belt out the entire video game ballad, with visions of rupees and 8-bit animation dancing in my head. After finishing my final note, J assessed.

"Nope. I wasn't singing that. That's way random."

Oh yeah, because the theme from Night Court isn't random. The things I deal with, I tell ya...

08 February 2010


Only the second month of my e-writing mission, and I've failed. I didn't blog last week. As I packed up my purse for the grocery store yesterday I even exclaimed out loud, "I must blog today!"

I didn't.

No excuses. (I mean, I did work about 60 hours and was traveling half of the week/weekend.) But yeah, no excuses.

I'll blog twice this week, ok? I can't promise that I'll only take one mulligan throughout the year, but it will be less than five. Deal? Good.

So anywho ... the Super Bowl. Who was I cheering for? Neither the boys from the French Quarter nor the young male horses. My excitement was focused on the Harry Potter Theme Park advertisement I knew was imminent. Last night I didn't care about touchdowns or onside kicks (though that was pretty flipping awesome) ... I cared about the sneak peek into the most awesome theme park in the whole wide world.

For the real, I just can't wait to go wingardium leviosa on everyone - because you know when I go (and I will go) I'll be purchasing my very own wand from Olivanders. I do feel for J because he's obviously going to have accompany me, but maybe I'll just wander around Hogwarts by my lonesome while he does something more interesting to him ... like watching paint dry. I wouldn't mind.

I'm going to guzzle a butterbeer, see what Grawp is up to ... maybe catch a game of quidditch. Don't know if I'll have time...