08 June 2009


The other day, I was swapping funny/awkward/cute airplane stories with two of my dearest friends. Like when Michelle had a loud, drunk stranger-woman proceed to rub her shoulders mid-flight. Or when Haley thought it was the cutest thing ever when kids kept yelling, "Look! The city's getting smaller and smaller and smaller!" I claimed to have nothing to add to the conversation. I wasn't holding back, it just seems to be a common trend that I'm memory punched during fun conversations such as these.

So I just remembered a good one. Good enough to write down.

I was on my way to LA for work. My flight stopped through Phoenix. Phoenix to LA is a ridiculously short flight, but I opted for a glass of wine anyway. (Because not using your free Southwest drink tickets should be punishable.) At this point in life, my taste buds had yet to find a suitable white wine, so red wine was the obvious choice. Lah dee dah, I'm drinkin' my wine. Sittin' next to some dude wearing Uggs. (Odd.) Then, without notice - as if she'd warn me of the coming event - a flight attendant rushes by me, bumps my elbow with noticeable-yet-unintentional force, spilling my red wine all over one of the few pairs of nice, lighter-colored jeans I owned. Well poo.

Uggs Boy sees it happen, luckily enough, so I had someone to vouch that I wasn't drunk and clumsy. He was equally in awe as I was that the flight attendant didn't feel a thing to elicit even a pause for question. I awkwardly attempt to sop up the mess on my jeans with my Barbie-sized cocktail napkin, to little avail.

Another flight attendant saunters past, and Uggs Boy gains her attention on my behalf to inform her of the situation. Flight attendant numero dos clearly felt bad and said she'd return quickly with some towels. But when she came back, she had more than towels to greet me with. She bent down closer to me, as to avoid making a scene. Her commentary went a little something like this, "Now ... I know this might be a little awkward, but trust me. It works." And she hands me a sanitary napkin.

I'm just glad I didn't get a nose bleed.

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