J and I get together at least once a month with two of my dearest childhood friends and their husbands. We rotate houses or activities and host dinner and/or game nights. We seem to inherently mix it up without discussing it, and somehow during our scheduling for February, the idea of a murder mystery party came up. I took no issue with showcasing my glee at this prospect, as the goob in me has always wanted to try one but I've never had the opportunity. Since the get-together was scheduled for two days after my birthday, I pulled brat duty and insisted on the murder mystery party. That was that.
As most of our plans center around food, we snagged a murder mystery kit that did the same. Our scenario was based on a family-owned Italian restaurant in NYC. The owner, in which all of us were related to by blood, marriage or business, was murdered and we had to devise whodunnit. Basically, you read through a script and are fed clues to accuse each other, so it's best to have people who aren't afraid to ad lib, while staying true to the facts, or embellish (read: make a fool of themselves.) Fuddy duds need not apply.
(Caleb in full character in the background of this picture. Someone was clearly accusing him of something ridiculous.)
Kayla and her hubs have extensive experience in murder mystery parties and did a great job of orchestrating the scenes and assigning characters. (My boyfriend J, for example, was my brother in the script. Awkwardly fun.) Michelle and her hubs did a great job of hosting the soiree, complete with chicken lasagna with vodka sauce and cheddar garlic biscuits. J and I did a great job of showing up with booze. (Ok, salad too.)
Kayla and Caleb also had a great spin on the events that made for hilarity to wrap up the evening. Instead of going around the table sharing our suspicions on whodunnit, they brought a video camera and one by one, we went to a separate room, Real World Confessional Style, to reveal our theories. We then watched them and the real killer, Michelle's real-life husband and my character's fiancee, revealed himself.
We didn't take a ton of pictures, as we were busy accusing each other of murder and revealing each others' dark secrets, but we had a lot of fun. (Note: I was supposed to be in mourning, as my father was the murder victim, wearing a short black leather skirt and gaudy gold jewelry. But I did my thrift store shopping before we chose the kit, and I made the executive decision to dress my character 20s/30s-esque. Oops.)
My ridiculous "vivacious" pose, Michelle's general cutery and Kayla in mourning for her husband's murder.

And my brother, I mean boyfriend, being adorable.
I would definitely recommend a murder mystery party if you're looking to do something different with a group of fun friends. (As opposed to lame friends?)
Have you ever participated in your own live action Clue?