So with my stubby nails, I can honestly say that I have never painted my nails. (I might have when I was a kiddo, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out that I didn't paint them even then.) Anytime I've tried in my adult life, I've either felt like a kid playing dress up, or a hot tranny mess. (I don't do well with girly things. As a recovering tomboy, ruffles, pink and general primping beyond good hygiene still feels odd.) But since the emergence of the short nail trend, I've acquired a new obsession: nail polish.
I finally realized that most nail polishes look just fine on my short nails. Ok, maybe not when they're gnawed down to the cuticle, but when they're "normal", polish looks good! So the floodgates opened, and I went nuts. J made fun of how many bottles of polish I purchased in such little time. But luckily this new love was also fueled by a fabulous promotion by a fabulous company: Zoya.
Zoya ran a promotion, giving three free bottles of polish if they hit a certain Facebook fan milestone by a certain date. Word spread quickly and they reached their numbers and then some. So I got six bottles (J bought me some, too) and just had to pay for shipping. Not only was this a great chance to try new colors, but a new company, too. (Zoya, I have to add, has great customer service and runs awesome promotions quite frequently. I've also been really happy with the quality of the polish and when you go to the site, you'll see that selection is not lacking. At all. Thanks for tipping me off, Allison!)
So my something new sometime in January was that I not only painted my nails, but I painted my nails pink. (A hue that does not touch me often.)
(Sorry, all the pictures I took are really bad. They don't show the color well. It's Zoya Kate, though, and I do love it!)
I've been dabbling in pretty much every color ... gray, navy, sparkles, red. I feel like a new woman!
What's your favorite polish brand/color?
Looking good! Did you see Zoya's BOGO promotion today? Shipping is only $2. It's quite addicting, huh? Does painting them make you less tempted to bite them? The colors I'm swooning over this week are yellow and colbalt blue. I'm also a little obsessed with Deborah Lippman's ode to Taylor Swift, "Today Was a Fairytale" - a sparkly navy!
I did see it! I'm going to have to bite ... on the BOGO that is. (Lame joke.)
Painting my nails definitely helps keep me from biting, but isn't the cure. I can't deal with chips on my polish, so I usually end up peeling it off within the hour instead of waiting to get home to touch up.
I'm getting better though!
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