16 April 2008

Seymoure Butts

Sometimes the pages that come over my office's intercom are just plain funny. And it helps that you can sense when the receptionist is trying to hold in laughter. (Even better when she can't hold in laughter while butchering a name.) I wish I could remember all of them, but maybe this will turn into a "what I should blog about when I have nothing of value to say" situations?

"Attention VML, International Beer Friday is now beginning."

"Attention VML, the ice cream man is in the parking lot."

"Attention VML, the omelet bar is still open and currently has no line."

"Molly Anderson, please dial 3072. Molly Anderson, 3072." (3072 is my own extension. Odd.)

"Attention VML, Andy and Mike, come to the top of the stairs." (Followed by grade school "Ummmmm!" exclamations.)

Maybe these aren't as funny to you as they are to me. But that just means your sense of humor sucks.

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