03 January 2011

Occupational Therapy

I by no means earned a hiatus from blogging over my holiday break. (Oh "holiday break" heaven forbid if I ever enter an industry that doesn't have one or that my own ever strays away from the pattern.) But I took blogabbatical (see what I did there? blog ... sabbatical ... no?) so deal with it. It mostly happened because I inadvertently kept a "hands off computer" mantra for the week's duration, save the two days leading up to my imminent return to the work life. Of course, I still caught up on ever-important tweets, Facebook-age and sports updates on my handy dandy iPhone, but should I ever post a new blog from that smarty pants mobile device, it'll consist of a picture or two and maybe a sentence. (Guessing you'd prefer that?)

So picking up where I left off ... here's something I did that's new. I started a new job at the end of November. Probably not news to Blogging Molly clientele, but it deserves a spot in this little e-diary I'll one day peruse with wonderment. (Of my idiocy.)

Sure I've gotten a new gig before. Once I switched from Tad's Tropical Sno to Juice Stop. From a price point, Juice Stop is a step up. But I gotta say, making Hawaiian Ice sno cones requires quite a bit of skill. And you must possess certain skills ... like cold-tolerant hands. (Ok that's about the only skill required.)

But this job switch was my first since I ventured into adulthood. It was time for a change ... a little occupational therapy, if you will. Making change always has the potential to be a bit scary, albeit exciting, but bidding adieu to your first job out of college has got to be exponentially more stressful. I'm proud of myself for taking a leap when things were comfortable. It wasn't an easy decision, but I'm stoked for a new scene and opportunities.

So here's Molly's New Job 101: totally basic and mostly boring.

On my first day, this little guy was my buddy while I filled out stacks of paperwork:


Among many new experiences, this is the first time I've worked in a building that requires elevators to get around. I kind of (always) forget where I am. Related, my desk is on the 9th floor. Here's the view:


On my first day, my spacious-to-me office was sad and bare.


I still haven't really had time to decorate, but it quickly got a small dose of personality with a little mess added in.


(Notice the blinds ... sadly, these end up pulled down most days because the sun gets way bright. It makes me a bit sad and I'm too lazy to put them up once those people leave.)

All in all, I'm really loving the new job. I think I'll really come to appreciate the location (right off the Plaza) even more than I already do when the weather is more pleasant - walking to grab lunch or shop over lunch could be the death of my paychecks, but by golly, I'll have fun doing it. I am anxious to escape the "new kid" stage but until then, I'm plenty busy writing about beauty products, textbooks and clothing. Oh, and there's an espresso machine at our disposal. So I get one of these bad boys (skinny hazelnut latte) to hang out with every morning:


What are your favorite (or not-so-favorite) things about starting a new job?

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