17 March 2008

I slept. I sudoku'd. I conquered.

That's a lie. I didn't conquer anything. In fact, I did the opposite. I succumbed to a beautifully lazy weekend, and I feel no remorse. You see, I took the day off on Friday. My company offers a "free floating vacation day" in celebration of your birthday. But instead of using my birthday vacation near my actual birthday - one month ago today - I used it near my bf's birthday so we could enjoy the time off together. Go ahead and vomit now. Done? Ok. So yeah ... there's never a good time to take vacation. It will always be inconvenient or "way too busy." But you just have to do it.

So I slept in. A lot. I really didn't want to on Sunday because I knew it would lead to a restless sleep in preparation for the work week. But I did. And it did. I couldn't sleep last night. But for some reason I woke up at a decently early time with only a couple snooze infractions. I think it's because I was making pot roast for the first time, and I was anxious to get things started.

I played a lot of Sudoku. See, my friend Bop gave me a new book for my birthday made up of difficult Sudoku puzzles. Um ... they're difficult. But I can't put the book down. I'll set it down after several pages of unsolved number mysteries, but I'm too competitive for my own good. I will not let this grid of numbers beat me!

I ate junk food, for the most part. The only decent meal was Friday evening - one of only two instances we ventured outside of my apartment. The rest was frozen burritos, chips and salsa, cereal and coffee. Typically I'd feel pretty bad about these food decisions but not this weekend. My taste buds welcomed the crap-for-me sustenance.

I saw a movie. It wasn't very good. But I didn't care ... because I got to eat popcorn slathered in movie-theater butter. Scratch that. I think it was equal parts butter and popcorn. Glorious. Plus, I got to see a seeing eye dog at the theater. He was cute. I wondered ... out loud ... if he wanted to come sit with me during the show. My friends thought not.

But now I'm back at work, waiting for my pants to dry from the pools (not puddles) of rain water that take over the parking lot. And I know I have massive amounts of work to do, but I'm still basking in the glory of a beyond lazy weekend. I needed it.

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