03 March 2008

It could be worse ...

But it sure as heck could be better, too. You see, I'm scared of complacency. Really scared. But it's creeping up on me, and I don't know how to distance myself from it. I don't just want to hide from it ... you know, like when you were a kid, playing hide-and-seek and thinking "well, if I can't see Daddy, there's no way Daddy can see me" - clearly, my forte in childhood games did not come in the form of hiding. But yeah, this complacency thing ... I want to defeat it. Much like H Pot defeated the Hungarian Horntail. (That just happened.)

Complacency hasn't completely taken over. It's more of a temporary, or what I hope to be temporary, bout of desensitization. That's just as daunting, though. Things are impacted that I don't want to be, and I'm afraid of the consequences.

I know, the vagueness is unfair. But I need help. Fast.

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